9-2-5:The Confessional


I ask you, the community some tough questions…

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5 Responses to “9-2-5:The Confessional”

  1. Aestivalis Edelheid Putra Says:

    I myself am wondering if i can still pursue my hobbies/passion while making my way through life.I look at some of my friends who are married and have kids yet they still have time to play games & build gundam kits etc. i guess you can say it all boils down to getting your priorities straight. I’d congratulate the guy at gamestop for being able to stick with his passion but for him to use his template on you is just not how it is done. I say keep doing what you’re doing, you said it yourself… you still have time to pursue your passion amid everything that’s going on. That my friend earns you an achievement/trophy in my book. You’re the one holding the power to determine the balance of between work, study & play… work hard, study hard then when playtime comes, put everything else in the back seat and enjoy playing.

  2. ghostbusterbev Says:

    It is easy to see from your video that you have it together…you know what you want. Don’t let anyone sell you short or throw you under the bus. Once you discover your passion in life, it drives you, you have to do it. I discovered early in life that I was a writer…my first career was in social housing and I always looked for opportunities to take on writing assignments. While traveling for work and during lunch hour, I did my creative writing. I also volunteered my services as a writer to establish the necessary credentials to launch a writing career and earn a living doing what I loved most. Eventually our housing program got cancelled, I got laid off with a “package” that allowed me to start a writing business. Everything I did in life led to my career as a writer…that’s when you know you are on the right track. When things fall into place…a series of synchronicities that mysteriously lead you there. Sure, I had to put writing aside at times, but I always came home to writing. The other amazing discovery is that your passion leads to your mission in life. Many people get confused by “expectations”…what they “should” do and what others expect you to do…versus auhenticity…what your heart tells you to do. Follow your heart…it doesn’t lie and it knows exactly where to take you. Great video…you are a natural in front of the camera! .

  3. ghostbusterbev Says:

    You’re welcome…and thanks for visiting and following my blog!

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