Posts Tagged ‘PS3’

Dead or Alive Community aims to ban players for sexy costumes on characters

March 1, 2015

Well, this isn’t too surprising in the year of our lord two thousand and fifteen just after a few days  Anita Sarkeesian’s NYU lecture on “changes” for video-games as a whole,we have this little gem ripped straight from Eventhubs,

“This is a movement that was discussed by several members of the community to try and help turn around the image that has plagued the franchise. DOA has always been known for its over-sexualized females and just that alone has pushed people away from even trying the game. Sex Appeal in the DOA franchise will never go away but we, the community, want people to take it seriously and started the costume ban at offline tournaments to force people to focus more on the game play aspect of the game. This is a soft ban and is at the discretion of the tournament organizer (TO) running the game at the event. However we HIGHLY encourage people to not use the suggested costumes on stream for something like Top 8.”

As a person who has ran tournaments himself, I can honestly say I’m perplexed, telling my tournament participants which DLC outfits that they can use on a fictional character, outfits that they bought with their own money or else face being banned from my event seems a bit overreaching to me and largely unnecessary.


The Dead or Alive community is no stranger to the attire worn by characters within the Dead or Alive games and the majority probably pay no mind to it, why? ..that’s not the focus of the game.  I feel like the people who put forth these guidelines are most likely ashamed of the game their community is based around. Let me dissect this one line,

Sex Appeal in the DOA franchise will never go away but we, the community, want people to take it seriously and started the costume ban at offline tournaments to force people to focus more on the game play aspect of the game.”

Instead of worrying about what people are focused on, why not focus on actually building the community and having more events? Worrying about what outfit Hitomi or Ayane is wearing should be the last thing that the Dead or Alive community should be heaving any quandary about. There should be a bigger movement focused on promoting the game and bringing in more players so that the community itself can grow.

To those who feel uncomfortable about what the clothing that other player’s characters are wearing remember, you don’t have to buy that DLC and if it really bothers you..maybe  Dead or Alive is not the game for you but telling others players what they can and can’t put on their characters is completely ludicrous.

9-2-5:Anarchy Reigns

January 8, 2013

Platinum games newest title”Anarchy Reigns” drops Tuesday January 10th-It’s a combination of high octane action mixed with ccrrrruuuuuzaaahhyyyy characters here’s just a bit of gameplay..I’ll be upping other parts of my run later on.